1 joy
joy [dʒɔɪ](a) (pleasure) joie f, plaisir m;∎ to shout with or for joy crier de joie;∎ she moved out, to the great joy of her neighbours elle a déménagé, à la grande joie de ses voisins;∎ her grandchildren are a great joy to her ses petits-enfants sont la joie de sa vie;∎ it was a joy to see him laughing again c'était un plaisir de le voir rire à nouveau;∎ the joys of gardening les plaisirs ou les charmes du jardinage;∎ full of the joys of spring au comble du bonheur;∎ the joys of having children les joies qu'apportent les enfants;∎ the joys of having a car les joies d'avoir une voiture;∎ her style is a joy to watch son style est un plaisir pour les yeux;∎ he's a joy to work for c'est un plaisir de travailler pour lui;∎ our new car is a joy to drive avec notre nouveau modèle, la conduite est un plaisir;∎ she's a joy to be with, it's a joy to be with her c'est un plaisir que d'être à ses côtés;∎ ironic oh joy! ô joie!∎ they had no joy at the casino ils n'ont pas eu de chance au casino;∎ any joy at the job centre? tu as trouvé quelque chose à l'agence pour l'emploi?;∎ (did you have or get) any joy? ça a marché?, tu as réussi?;∎ no joy! ça n'a rien donné!, ça n'a pas marché!;∎ you won't get any joy from him tu n'arriveras à rien avec lui -
2 contento
adj.1 content, delighted, glad, happy.2 satisfied, pleased, content.m.1 pleasure, joy, happiness, content.2 satisfaction, contentness.pres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: contentar.* * *► adjetivo1 happy, pleased1 happiness, joy, contentment\darse por contento,-a to consider oneself luckyestar más contento,-a que unas Pascuas familiar to be as happy as a larksentir gran contento to feel great joy————————1 happiness, joy, contentment* * *(f. - contenta)adj.glad, happy, pleased* * *1. ADJ1) (=alegre, feliz) happy¿estás contento? — are you happy?
estar loco de contento, no caber en sí de contento — frm to be overjoyed
2) (=satisfecho) pleasedno contentos con sus excusas, lo denunciaron — not satisfied with his excuses, they reported him
estar contento con algn/algo — to be pleased with sb/sth•
estar contento de hacer algo — to be happy o pleased to do sth•
dejar a algn contento — to satisfy sb•
quedar contento con algo — to be satisfied with sthlo escribió con b y se quedó tan contento — he wrote it with a b but didn't seem to let that bother him
tener contento a algn — to keep sb happy o satisfiedcontenta me tienes, hijo — iró oh, wonderful!, oh, great! *
3) (=bebido) merryno me emborraché, pero estaba contento o contentillo — I didn't get drunk but I was quite merry
2.SM frm (=alegría) happiness, joy* * *I- ta adjetivoa) [estar] (feliz, alegre) happyse puso muy contento al oír que venías — he was very happy o pleased to hear you were coming
contento con algo/alguien — happy with something/somebody
b) ( satisfecho) happy, contentno contento con que le prestara el coche... — not content o satisfied with me lending him the car...
darse por contento — to consider o count oneself lucky
quedarse tan contento — (fam)
IIlo dijo mal y se quedó tan contento — he said it wrong but he wasn't in the least bit bothered (colloq)
masculino (liter) happiness, joy* * *= content, contentment, happy [happier -com., happiest -sup.], blissful, satisfied, chuffed.Ex. Many librarians viewed AACR1 as such a significant improvement upon its predecessors, that they were content.Ex. The contentment can only be alarming, however, in the context both of the needs of information education for the future and the much higher levels of resources enjoyed by the principal competitors of SLIS.Ex. The user who is ignorant of the expansion of the abbreviations in these headings, will be happier to be able to find these headings file under their abbreviated form, than under a spelt-out version or complete version.Ex. Vaguely blissful, but with nothing to occupy her save reflection, she sat in the cafeteria and gave herself up to the physical pleasures of coffee.Ex. He is seldom happy, never satisfied, temperamental, stubborn; his behavior at times can be charitably characterized as erratic.Ex. However, CSA is not chuffed that the government has rejected the amendment.----* contento con uno mismo = complacent.* contento de uno mismo = complacently.* estar la mar de contento = be over the moon.* estar loco de contento = be over the moon.* loco de contento = chuffed to bits.* más contento que unas castañuelas = as happy as Larry.* más contento que unas pascuas = as happy as Larry.* nadie está contento con lo que tiene = the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence).* nadie esta contento con su suerte = the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence).* no estar contento = be unhappy.* * *I- ta adjetivoa) [estar] (feliz, alegre) happyse puso muy contento al oír que venías — he was very happy o pleased to hear you were coming
contento con algo/alguien — happy with something/somebody
b) ( satisfecho) happy, contentno contento con que le prestara el coche... — not content o satisfied with me lending him the car...
darse por contento — to consider o count oneself lucky
quedarse tan contento — (fam)
IIlo dijo mal y se quedó tan contento — he said it wrong but he wasn't in the least bit bothered (colloq)
masculino (liter) happiness, joy* * *= content, contentment, happy [happier -com., happiest -sup.], blissful, satisfied, chuffed.Ex: Many librarians viewed AACR1 as such a significant improvement upon its predecessors, that they were content.
Ex: The contentment can only be alarming, however, in the context both of the needs of information education for the future and the much higher levels of resources enjoyed by the principal competitors of SLIS.Ex: The user who is ignorant of the expansion of the abbreviations in these headings, will be happier to be able to find these headings file under their abbreviated form, than under a spelt-out version or complete version.Ex: Vaguely blissful, but with nothing to occupy her save reflection, she sat in the cafeteria and gave herself up to the physical pleasures of coffee.Ex: He is seldom happy, never satisfied, temperamental, stubborn; his behavior at times can be charitably characterized as erratic.Ex: However, CSA is not chuffed that the government has rejected the amendment.* contento con uno mismo = complacent.* contento de uno mismo = complacently.* estar la mar de contento = be over the moon.* estar loco de contento = be over the moon.* loco de contento = chuffed to bits.* más contento que unas castañuelas = as happy as Larry.* más contento que unas pascuas = as happy as Larry.* nadie está contento con lo que tiene = the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence).* nadie esta contento con su suerte = the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence).* no estar contento = be unhappy.* * *1 [ ESTAR] (feliz, alegre) happyse puso muy contento al oír que venías he was very happy o pleased o glad to hear you were comingse puso a trabajar con el corazón contento she set to work happily o with a light heartestá muy contento en su nuevo trabajo he's very happy o contented in his new jobcontento CON algo/algn happy WITH sth/sbestán muy contentos con la casa they're very happy o pleased with the house2 (satisfecho) happy, content contento CON algo:no se quedó muy contenta con el regalo she wasn't very happy o pleased with the presentestán contentos con su suerte they are content o happy with their lotno contento con que le prestara el coche, pretendía que le pagase el peaje not content o satisfied with me lending him the car, he expected me to pay for the tolls as welldarse por contento to consider o count oneself luckyquedarse tan contento ( fam): les enchufas la tele y se quedan tan contentos you just stick them in front of the TV and they're quite happy ( colloq)lo dijo mal y se quedó tan contento he said it wrong but just carried on regardless o but he wasn't at all fazed ( colloq)( liter)happiness, joydando grandes muestras de contento se dirigió al estrado she showed great delight as she went up to the stageno cabía en sí de contento he was beside himself with joy, he was overjoyed* * *
Del verbo contentar: ( conjugate contentar)
contento es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
contentó es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
Multiple Entries:
contentar ( conjugate contentar) verbo transitivo
to please;◊ ¡qué difícil de contento eres! you're so hard to please!
contentarse verbo pronominal contentose con algo to be satisfied with sth;
se contenta con muy poco he's easy to please
contento -ta adjetivo [estar]
contento con algo/algn happy with sth/sb
no contento con que le prestara el coche … not content o satisfied with me lending him the car …
contentar verbo transitivo
1 (alegrar) to cheer up
2 (satisfacer) to please
contento,-a adjetivo happy, pleased [con, with]
' contento' also found in these entries:
- campante
- contenta
- dichosa
- dichoso
- poner
- satisfecha
- satisfecho
- ufana
- ufano
- agradar
- alegrar
- con
- encantado
- imaginar
- chuffed
- content
- contented
- do
- glad
- happy
- joyful
- moon
- pleased
- sweet
- grass
- unhappy
* * *contento, -a♦ adj1. [alegre] happy;está muy contenta she is very happy;se puso muy contento al ver a sus nietos he was very happy to see his grandchildren;estamos contentos de poder ayudar we're happy o glad to be able to help;han hecho un gran esfuerzo por tener contentos a sus huéspedes they've made a big effort to keep their guests happy;está muy contenta en el trabajo she is very happy in her job2. [satisfecho] pleased;la decisión no dejó contento a nadie the decision didn't satisfy anyone;no estoy nada contenta con la reparación I'm not at all happy with the repair;no contento con insultarlo, le pegó una bofetada not content with insulting him, he slapped his face;Fampagamos cada uno la mitad y todos tan contentos we paid half each and that was us;Famse llevó las llaves y se quedó tan contento he took the keys just like that o as cool as you like♦ nmhappiness, joy;el contento del público era evidente you could see that the audience was happy;no caber en sí de contento to be beside oneself with joy* * *I adj1 ( satisfecho) pleased2 ( feliz) happy;y tan contentos fam and that is/was no problem famII m joy* * *contento, -ta adj: contented, glad, happycontento nm: joy, happiness* * *contento adj2. (satisfecho) pleased -
3 llenar
v.1 to fill.llenar a alguien de alegría/tristeza to fill somebody with happiness/sadnesseste premio me llena de orgullo this prize fills me with pride o makes me very proudEllos llenaron la cubeta They filled the pail.2 to fill in or out (impreso, solicitud, quiniela).3 to fulfill.no le llena la relación con su novio she finds her relationship with her boyfriend unfulfillingEllos llenaron sus aspiraciones They fulfilled their aspirations.4 to be filling (food).5 to crowd, to fill completely, to chock up.Los fanáticos llenaron el estadio The fans crowded the stadium.6 to satisfy.Ver a mis hijos me llena Seeing my children satisfies me.* * *1 (espacio, recipiente) to fill2 (formulario) to fill in3 (tiempo) to fill, occupy4 (satisfacer) to fulfil, please1 (comida) to be very filling1 (gen) to fill2 (de gente) to fill up3 (de comida) to get full, overeat* * *verb1) to fill2) fulfill, please•- llenarse* * *1. VT1) (=rellenar) [+ cubo, vaso] to fill; [+ bañera] to run; [+ cajón, maleta] to fillllenó tanto la maleta que no podía cerrarla — he packed o filled the suitcase so full that he couldn't shut it
¿puede llenar aquí? — [en un bar] the same again, please
2) (=ocupar) to filllas cajas llenan todo el maletero — the boxes take up o fill the whole boot
3) (=satisfacer) [+ deseo] to fulfil, fulfill (EEUU), satisfyeste trabajo no me llena — I don't find this job satisfying o fulfilling
4) (=colmar)•
llenar a algn de — [+ inquietud, dudas] to fill sb withsu tono de voz la llenó de inquietud — his tone of voice made her feel uneasy, his tone of voice filled her with unease liter
lo llenaron de insultos — they heaped insults upon him, they hurled abuse at him
lo llenaron de atenciones — they showered him with attention, they made a great fuss of him
5) (=cumplimentar) [+ documento, impreso] to fill in, fill out (EEUU)2.VI [comida] to be fillingesta sopa no llena nada — this soup isn't really very filling, this soup doesn't really fill you up
3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)llenar algo de/con algo — to fill something with something
b) < formulario> to fill out, to fill in (esp BrE)c) ( cubrir)llenar a alguien de algo: la noticia nos llenó de alegría we were overjoyed by the news; nos llenó de atenciones — he made a real fuss of us
3) ( hacer sentirse realizado) < persona>2. 3.llenarse v pron1)a) recipiente/estadio to fillb) ( cubrirse)llenarse de algo — de polvo/pelos to be covered in something
se le llenó la cara de granos — he got very pimply (AmE colloq) o (BrE colloq) spotty
2) <bolsillo/boca> to fill3) ( colmarse)llenarse de algo: con esa hazaña se llenó de gloria it was an achievement that covered him in glory; se llenaron de deudas — they got heavily into debt
sólo viene a llenarse la barriga — (fam) he only comes here to stuff his face (colloq)
* * *= fill, litter (with), fill up, top up, crowd.Ex. Once a university's reserve store is filled it should be expected to dispose of surplus stock, normally to the British Library.Ex. There are plenty of omission failures of this sort, and they litter most of the Hennepin County Library Cataloging Bulletins.Ex. Nonetheless, shelves fill up and eventually must be relieved of duplicated, superseded or obsolete books.Ex. Lastly, one needs a spirit duplicating machine and a supply of spirit solvent with which to top up the solvent container incorporated in the machine.Ex. Titles on alternative medicine are now crowding US bookshelves.----* llenar de = fill with.* llenar de alegría = delight, brighten up.* llenar de luz = flood with + light, brighten up.* llenar de orgullo = fill + Nombre + with pride.* llenar de terror = terrorise [terrorize, -USA], terrify.* llenar el depósito = gas up.* llenar el tanque = gas up.* llenar gasolina = pump + gas.* llenar hasta el borde = fill + Nombre + to the brim.* llenar las calles = be out in force, come out in + force.* llenar mucho = be filling.* llenarse = become + full.* llenarse el bolsillo = line + Posesivo + (own) pocket(s).* llenar un hueco = fill + gap, fill in + gap, fill + the breach.* llenar un vacío = fill + vacuum, fill + gap, fill in + gap, fill + void, fill + the breach.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)llenar algo de/con algo — to fill something with something
b) < formulario> to fill out, to fill in (esp BrE)c) ( cubrir)llenar a alguien de algo: la noticia nos llenó de alegría we were overjoyed by the news; nos llenó de atenciones — he made a real fuss of us
3) ( hacer sentirse realizado) < persona>2. 3.llenarse v pron1)a) recipiente/estadio to fillb) ( cubrirse)llenarse de algo — de polvo/pelos to be covered in something
se le llenó la cara de granos — he got very pimply (AmE colloq) o (BrE colloq) spotty
2) <bolsillo/boca> to fill3) ( colmarse)llenarse de algo: con esa hazaña se llenó de gloria it was an achievement that covered him in glory; se llenaron de deudas — they got heavily into debt
sólo viene a llenarse la barriga — (fam) he only comes here to stuff his face (colloq)
* * *= fill, litter (with), fill up, top up, crowd.Ex: Once a university's reserve store is filled it should be expected to dispose of surplus stock, normally to the British Library.
Ex: There are plenty of omission failures of this sort, and they litter most of the Hennepin County Library Cataloging Bulletins.Ex: Nonetheless, shelves fill up and eventually must be relieved of duplicated, superseded or obsolete books.Ex: Lastly, one needs a spirit duplicating machine and a supply of spirit solvent with which to top up the solvent container incorporated in the machine.Ex: Titles on alternative medicine are now crowding US bookshelves.* llenar de = fill with.* llenar de alegría = delight, brighten up.* llenar de luz = flood with + light, brighten up.* llenar de orgullo = fill + Nombre + with pride.* llenar de terror = terrorise [terrorize, -USA], terrify.* llenar el depósito = gas up.* llenar el tanque = gas up.* llenar gasolina = pump + gas.* llenar hasta el borde = fill + Nombre + to the brim.* llenar las calles = be out in force, come out in + force.* llenar mucho = be filling.* llenarse = become + full.* llenarse el bolsillo = line + Posesivo + (own) pocket(s).* llenar un hueco = fill + gap, fill in + gap, fill + the breach.* llenar un vacío = fill + vacuum, fill + gap, fill in + gap, fill + void, fill + the breach.* * *llenar [A1 ]vtA1 ‹vaso/plato› to fill; ‹tanque› to fill up, fill; ‹maleta› to fill, pack; ‹cajón› to fillno me llenes el vaso don't fill my glass right up o don't give me a full glassel agua casi llenaba el cubo the water almost filled the bucketsiempre llena la sala he always manages to fill the hall o always has a full houseno sabe cómo llenar su tiempo libre he doesn't know how to fill o occupy his spare timesu nombramiento llena un importante vacío en la empresa his appointment fills an important vacancy in the companyllenar algo DE algo to fill sth WITH sthle llenaron la cabeza de ideas extrañas they filled his head with strange ideasllenar algo CON algo to fill sth WITH sthllenó una bolsa con la ropa sucia he filled a bag with the dirty clothes2 ‹formulario› to fill out, to fill in ( esp BrE), to complete3 (cubrir) llenar algo DE algo to cover sth WITH sthllenaron la pared de fotografías they covered the wall with photographsllenó el pizarrón de fórmulas she filled o covered the blackboard with formulaeB (colmar) ‹persona› llenar a algn DE algo:la noticia nos llenó de alegría/confusión we were overjoyed/completely thrown by the newsnos llenó de atenciones he made a real fuss over us o ( BrE) of us, we were showered with attention ( AmE) o ( BrE) attentionsme llenó de ira it made me very angry o ( liter) filled me with angerC (satisfacer) ‹persona›su carrera no la llena she doesn't find her career satisfying o fulfillingD (cumplir) ‹requisitos› to fulfill*, meet■ llenarvi«comida» to be fillingla pasta llena mucho pasta is very filling■ llenarseA1 «recipiente/estadio» to fillel tren siempre se llena en esta estación the train always gets full o fills up with people at this stationel teatro se llenó hasta los topes the theater was (jam) packed o was full to burstingllenarse DE algo to fill WITH sthel cubo se había llenado de agua de lluvia the bucket had filled with rainwaterse le llenaron los ojos de lágrimas his eyes filled with tears, tears welled up in his eyesla casa se llenó de mosquitos the house filled with mosquitoes2 (cubrirse) llenarse DE algo:se le ha llenado la cara de granos he's gotten very pimply ( AmE colloq), he's got very spotty ( BrE colloq)la pared se llenó de manchas de humedad damp patches appeared all over the wallB «persona» ‹bolsillo/boca› to fillsólo buscan llenarse los bolsillos they're only interested in lining their own pocketsllenarse algo DE algo to fill sth WITH sthse llenó los bolsillos de guijarros he filled his pockets with pebblesno te llenes la boca de comida don't stuff your mouth with food, don't put so much food in your mouthC«persona» (colmarse) llenarse DE algo: se llenaron de oro they made a fortunecon esa hazaña se llenó de gloria it was an achievement that covered him in gloryen poco tiempo se llenaron de deudas they were soon up to their necks in debtD«persona» (de comida): se llena tomando cerveza y después no quiere comer he fills himself up with beer and then doesn't want anything to eatsólo viene a llenarse la barriga ( fam); he only comes here to fill his belly o to stuff his face ( colloq)con un plato de ensalada ya se llena one plate of salad and she's full* * *
llenar ( conjugate llenar) verbo transitivo
‹ tanque› to fill (up);
‹ maleta› to fill, pack;
llenar algo de/con algo to fill sth with sth
2a) ( cubrir) llenar algo de algo to cover sth with sth
3 ( colmar) ‹ persona›:
nos llenó de atenciones he made a real fuss of us
4 ( hacer sentirse realizado) ‹ persona›:
verbo intransitivo [ comida] to be filling
llenarse verbo pronominal
◊ el teatro solo se llenó a la mitad the theater only filled to half capacity o was only half full;
llenarse de algo to fill with sth
2 ‹bolsillo/boca› to fill;
llenarse algo de algo to fill sth with sth
3 ( colmarse):
se llenaron de deudas they got heavily into debt
4 [ persona] ( de comida):
me llené (colloq) I'm full (up) (colloq)
I verbo transitivo
1 to fill: me llena de vergüenza/alegría, it fills me with shame/happiness
2 (una superficie) llené la pared de fotografías, I covered the wall with photos
3 (una comida, actividad, etc) to satisfy
II verbo intransitivo to be filling: la paella llena mucho, paella is very filling
' llenar' also found in these entries:
- buche
- poblar
- rellenar
- acribillar
- hartar
- hueco
- fill
- fill up
- gap
- pack
- replenish
- restock
- stock
- top up
- complete
- cover
- delight
- disturb
- exhilarate
- gladden
- pervade
- refill
- satisfy
- top
* * *♦ vt1. [ocupar] [vaso, hoyo, habitación] to fill (de o con with);llenó la casa de muebles usados she filled the house with second-hand furniture;llenar el depósito [del coche] to fill up the tank;¡llénemelo! [el depósito] fill her up, please;llenan su tiempo libre leyendo y charlando they spend their spare time reading and chatting2. [cubrir] [pared, suelo] to cover (de with);llenó de adornos el árbol de Navidad she covered the Christmas tree with decorations;has llenado la pared de salpicaduras de aceite you've spattered oil all over the walleste premio me llena de orgullo this prize fills me with pride o makes me very proud;llenaron de insultos al árbitro they hurled abuse at the referee;nos llenaron de obsequios they showered gifts upon us4. [rellenar] [impreso, solicitud, quiniela] to fill in o outno le llena la relación con su novio she finds her relationship with her boyfriend unfulfillingno (me) llenes la paciencia don't push your luck;muy Famllenar las pelotas o [m5] las bolas o [m5] los huevos a alguien Br to get on sb's tits, US to bust sb's balls;dejá de llenar las pelotas o [m5] las bolas o [m5] los huevos stop being a pain in the Br arse o US ass♦ vi1. [comida] to be filling¡no llenes! stop being a pest!* * *inII v/i be filling* * *llenar vt1) : to fill, to fill up, to fill in2) : to meet, to fulfilllos regalos no llenaron sus expectativas: the gifts did not meet her expectations* * *llenar vb1. (en general) to fill2. (superficie) to cover3. (comida) to be filling
См. также в других словарях:
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